With Institutions or Organizations to Organize successful International Conferences/National Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Worldwide
Objective ICEPD-Thailand International Conference
To collaborate with different Colleges/Universities/Institutional organizers to provide any help and facilities to run one Conference successfully.
The basic objective of this Organization is to bring together academicians and experts from different parts of the country and abroad to exchange knowledge and ideas. This will provide an in-depth analysis of subjects and update the knowledge of the participants from academic/research institutions
ELIGIBILITY for Collaboration with ICEPD-Thailand
It shall be mandatory for every institution to get affiliated from any University/Government/National body
Managing Conference: All quality conference and papers deserve the widest possible exposure and recognition. Thus a conference managing and publishing system is needed with the expertise to help to achieve the goal. We offer capabilities that no other publishing services can match.
The Collaboration also supports the conference organizers by designing, maintaining and hosting the conference platform; apart from managing the paper submission, reviewing and consolidating the papers.
Association Benefits
Assists in the promotional activities for the conference event
Managing the paper submission process
Reviewing and consolidating the papers
Maintaining Communication with Authors
Arrange Keynote speakers
Professional marketing of the conference
Editing, Formatting and Typesetting
Copyright protection for the research
Post-conference Sales & Distribution
How to Collaborate with us?
Step-1 Choose the Date, Topic of the Conference, Venue of the Conference.
Step-2 Send us the inquiry Form.
Step-3 Choose the Model of Conference from the 4 available model with us
Step-4 Sign the MOU and send back to us. We will provide you the Signed Copy of MOU.
Step-5 Collaboration Complete.
Send your letter of intent and proposal to:

International Cross-Cultural Exchange and Professional Development - Thailand
+6665 935 2242
© 2025. All rights reserved.